Traduction-Traductologie /Translation-Translation Studies/الترجمة-الترجمية
Disciplines connexes/Concepts- Related disciplines/Concepts
  • Définition
  • Ensemble de prescriptions linguistiques consignées dans des grammaires, des dictionnaires ou tout autre répertoire et qui correspondent à ce qu’il convient d’employer pour se conformer à l’usage admis au sein d’une communauté linguistique donnée.

  • Note
  • Syn. (vieilli) bon usage.

  • Definition
  • Rules explicitly stated by some authority that prescribe certain ways of using a language while proscribing others.

  • Context
  • It is a feature of our linguistic culture that good writing is often discussed in terms of the presence or absence of something called «correct usage».

  • Observation
  • The dimension of usage is divided into a common usage which corresponds to the widespread use in community, and correct usage, that which has been legislated by philological knowledge and which is, for this reason, the criteria for linguistic correction on which the ideal of a homogeneous linguistic community is based.

  • التعريف
  • مجموعة القواعد اللغوية التي تلحظها كتب الصرف والنحو أو القواميس أو أيّ مرجع آخر والتي لا بدّ من التقيّد بها للتواصل داخل جماعة تستخدم لغة معيّنة.